JavaScript Usage

This module provides the main functionality for @attestate/crawler. Below is a reference-style documentation for the exported functions along with usage examples.

  • Accepts a configuration object “config”.

  • Validates the provided configuration against the schema.

  • Throws an error if the configuration is invalid.

Usage Example:

import { validateConfig } from '@attestate/crawler';

const config = {
  // Your configuration object

try {
  console.log('Configuration is valid.');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Configuration is invalid:', error);
  • Accepts a configuration object “config”.

  • Validates, sets the environment, and initializes a worker for the provided configuration.

  • Returns the result of the initialization.

Usage Example:

import { boot } from '@attestate/crawler';

const config = {
  // Your configuration object

const result = await boot(config);
console.log('Boot result:', result);
  • Accepts a string “name”.

  • Returns a string with the “name” and “MARKER_ORDER” separated by “SEPARATOR”.

  • This string is used as a subtable name for LMDB and can be inputted into db.openDB.

Usage Example:

import { order } from '@attestate/crawler';

const dbName = 'exampleDB';
const orderName = order(dbName);
console.log('Order subtable name:', orderName);
  • Accepts a string “name”.

  • Returns a string with the “name” and “MARKER_DIRECT” separated by “SEPARATOR”.

  • This string is used as a subtable name for LMDB and can be inputted into db.openDB.

Usage Example:

import { direct } from '@attestate/crawler';

const dbName = 'exampleDB';
const directName = direct(dbName);
console.log('Direct subtable name:', directName);
  • Accepts a string “path”.

  • Opens an LMDB database at the specified path.

  • Returns the opened database instance.

Usage Example:

import { open } from '@attestate/crawler';

const dbPath = 'path/to/your/database';
const db = open(dbPath);
console.log('Opened database:', db);
all(db, key)
  • Accepts a database instance “db” and a key.

  • Retrieves all values associated with the key in the database.

  • Returns an array of values.

Usage Example:

import { open, all } from '@attestate/crawler';

const dbPath = 'path/to/your/database';
const db = open(dbPath);
const key = 'exampleKey';

const values = await all(db, key);
console.log('All values:', values);